Really enjoyed this episode, it had insanley fun visuals. Loved the character designs and the backgrounds a lot. color schemes were really nice too. I see the Trigger/Gainax influence on this and it's not a bad thing at all but I will say that the sound design could use some work because the Gainax inspired fisuals paired with the FLCL soundtrack shows that the influence can be holding it back from really becoming it's own thing. I also like the main characters in this and I think this let's you get a good feel for their personalities, but another criticism I have is that voice actors don't really like they were directed, with a bit more practice I can see the actors really getting into the roles and this world feeling more alive. I gotta respect you for animating the entire thing by yourself and as your first real attempt at a cartoon as well, you've really got a lot of potential here and I hope you see it through to the fullest.