I really admire the work you guys put into this, I can tell this is a series that was likely started in someone's teen years which is pretty cool you guys are evolving an old idea and trying to mold it into something great, it's a challenging task most don't dare try. I think you should probably change the name of your series eventually, I assume you guys are aware of the Amazon series. Someone Ik said this is like if there was a show on Newgrounds called "Rick and Morty" but had nothing to do with the Adult Swim show.
I was really impressed with animation here, really strong posing and movements throughout the whole cartoon, think my favorite parts were the house coming to life and when the orange guy got possessed, those scenes were pretty cool.
There are some things I think could use some work, Wasn't really into the voice acting here. I liked that you guys didn't go with an overly cartoony type of voice acting for this project but I think it goes too far in the opposite direction for my taste, the emotions of the characters sound bored or confused although the way the characters move while they speak almost feels contradictory. I think just clear direction of what emotions should be felt by each character will help you in future projects.
Think you guys could have something special here but this particular cartoon leaves me feeling empty by the end because I can say it's a well done cartoon, I still feel I just watched a cartoon influenced by cartoons, it lacks a personal side that reflects the real world in a way that would resonate more with someone like me, I wouldn't claim that this isn't personal to you because it must be for you to stick with it all these years, think the premises need a bit more maturing and some indication of what you might be like outside of the cartoon world.
I like what you got here but would like to see a shift in perspective on how you make cartoons moving forward, don't expect you to agree on everything I'm saying but I hope it's something you at least think about.